3 results found for "hard smco magnet"
  • smco magnet;arc shape magnet
    Sm2co17 hard smco magnet smco thin magnets
    Custom Samarium Cobalt Magnets 1.Dimensions: According to your requirements 2.Grade: YXG26 28 30,YXG26H 28H 30H and etc. 3.Max Operating Temperature: 250 ~350 degree celsius 4.Material:SmCo5,Sm2Co17 5.Magnetized: Axial,Diametrial,Width and etc 6.Advantage:High working temperature,Extremely resistant to demagnetization,Resistant to corrosion
  • smco magnet;block magnet
    Sm2co17 hard smco magnet samarium magnet block
    Motor Magnet SmCo Magnet 1.Dimensions: According to your requirements 2.Grade: YXG26 28 30,YXG26H 28H 30H and etc. 3.Max Operating Temperature: 250 ~350 degree celsius 4.Material:SmCo5,Sm2Co17 5.Magnetized: Length,Width,Thickness and Muti-Poles 6.Advantage:High working temperature,Extremely resistant to demagnetization,Resistant to corrosion
  • 1
    Customized Strong Block SmCo Magnet
    Motor Magnet SmCo Magnet 1.Dimensions: According to your requirements 2.Grade: YXG26 28 30,YXG26H 28H 30H and etc. 3.Max Operating Temperature: 250 ~350 degree celsius 4.Material:SmCo5,Sm2Co17 5.Magnetized: Length,Width,Thickness and Muti-Poles 6.Advantage:High working temperature,Extremely resistant to demagnetization,Resistant to corrosion

A total of 1 pages

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